Registration Form Please complete one form for every person who wants to take part in any of the sessions Name Hop On Registration Form PLEASE READ: Personal information will be treated in line with the General Data Protection Act of 2018. Information provided may be shared for the purposes of audit, research or put together with other surveys, but when we do this, your confidentiality is always maintained. Personal data will not be made public in any way which identifies individuals. PLEASE NOTE: YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLETE A FORM FOR EACH PARTICIPANT YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS First Name * Last Name / Surname * Gender * Male Female Other Date of Birth - dd-mm-yyyy * Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City * Post Code * Mobile Number * Home Phone Number * Email Address * Emergency Contact First Name * Emergency Contact Last Name * Emergency Contact Number * YOUR HEALTH Do you have any of the following physical, sensory, learning, or mental health conditions, or illnesses that have lasted, or are expected to last, 12 months or more? (Please look at the list below) * Yes No Prefer not to say IF YES PLEASE TICK ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR CONDITION OR ILLNESS Vision Hearing Mobility Learning or concentrating or remembering Mental Health Stamina or Breathing Difficulty Social or behavioural issues Difficulty speaking / making yourself understood Dexterity difficulties / problems using your hands Other (Please specify) If yes, do any of these physical, sensory, learning, or mental health conditions or illnesses have an effect on your ability to do normal daily activities? Yes No Dont Know *How is your health in general? Would you say it was: * Very Good Good Fair Bad Very Bad Prefer not to say * Current level of activity in a typical week * Number of Days (per week) of at least 10 mins of physical activity * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * Number of Days (per week) of at least 30 mins of physical activity * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SOME MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOU Which one of the following best describes your ethnic group or background? * White Mixed / Multiple Ethnicity Asian / Asian British Black / African / Caribbean / Black British Other Ethnicity Prefer not to identify What is your religion, even if you are not currently practising? * Church of England Roman Catholic Protestant / Other Christian Jewish Muslim Sikh Hindu Buddhism No religion Don't know Prefer not to say Is English your first language? * Yes No Prefer not to say What is your current working status? * Working Full Time (30+ hours per week) Working Part Time (9-29 hours per week) Unemployed less than 12 months Unemployed Long Term 12 months+ Not Working - Retired Not Working - Carer Not Working - Long Term Sick / Disabled Student - Full Time Age 13+ Student - Part Time Age 13+ Junior - Under 13 Other (please specify) Other (please specify) YOUR CONSENT I give my consent to emergency medical treatment should it be deemed necessary by a qualified medical practitioner. Yes No I give my permission for any photographs taken during the session to be used as marketing material. * Yes No As part of the evaluation of Hop On, would you be willing to participate in a future survey? * Yes No I have been given an outline of the session and information relating to safety during the activities. I understand that whilst safety precautions are taken throughout the sessions sporting activities by their nature are not risk free. I declare that the information in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and that is any changes occur before or during activities, I will inform the organisers. You must click the correct option to sign your agreement * If this is your registration. Sign here Sign on behalf of the person you are registering Your Full Signature Name *